Older adults are at increased risk for foot and ankle injuries. It’s important to keep your feet and ankles healthy. They are often overlooked, but they’re the foundation of our bodies – without them, we would be unable to walk or even stand up. The same thing can happen in older adults because their bones become brittle and might break easily. That’s why it is so important for you to take care of your feet if you are an older adult.
Wearing the right footwear is an important part of foot and ankle health. Footwear should fit well and provide cushioning to prevent shock or stress on your feet, accordingly. If you have difficulty putting on your shoes because of arthritis-related stiffness in your fingers, several types that open from the side instead of tying laces.
Maintaining strong bones is important for preventing fractures. Exercising regularly with weight-bearing activities can strengthen your bones and reduce the risk of breaking them due to weak bone structure. This includes running, walking, or dancing for at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week.
If you have pain in your feet or ankles, it is important to see a doctor. Foot and ankle injuries are not normal for older adults because they can lead to serious complications. Pain might be caused by something that’s easily treatable like an ingrown toenail but could also indicate more severe conditions such as arthritis or gout.
Always look at your feet each night before going to bed so that you know there aren’t any problems like blisters, cuts, or burns that might need treatment right away. If your doctor prescribes medications for foot injuries such as painkillers, make sure you take these drugs exactly as prescribed, because they could cause side effects in older adults.
Eating a healthy diet can help you prevent foot and ankle injuries in older adults. It is important to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy products like milk or yogurt for calcium intake that are known to benefit bone health. Reduce your sodium intake because it puts extra stress on blood vessels that could cause problems with circulation later on down the line. Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine can also lead to dehydration which causes weakness in bones over time as well as other medical conditions such as osteoporosis.
No one wants to think about the day when they can no longer take care of themselves. However, for many older adults, this is a reality. As we age our bones get weaker and so does our balance which leads to more falls and injuries. Preventing these issues from happening in the first place is essential but it’s not always easy. We want to help you keep up with healthy habits and live a full life free of pain and discomfort. Get in touch if you need any more information about how we can provide care for your feet today.
Injuries to the foot and ankle are among one of the most frequently occurring musculoskeletal injuries. The ankle can be injured doing fairly simple tasks such as walking on uneven surfaces, but it’s usually more severe when people play sports; sprains or fractures often result from these activities. Dr. Stephen Chen is a specialist in treating foot and ankle injuries for athletes and active adults throughout the San Francisco East Bay Area. He provided sideline coverage for NCAA Division I athletics at the University of Cincinnati and Miami University (OH). Since graduating, Dr. Chen has continued his love of sports coverage by volunteering for the San Francisco Marathon, the San Francisco Giant Race, and as the team physician for Northgate High School in Walnut Creek. Being a part of The Center for Sports Medicine allows Dr. Chen quick access to a multidisciplinary team of orthopedic surgeons, podiatrists, physiatrists, and physical therapists to return you to your highest functional level quickly and safely. Click here to contact us for your next appointment!
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