A primary care sports medicine physician specializes in the nonsurgical treatment of musculoskeletal, orthopedic and sports medicine injuries and conditions, whereas an orthopedic surgeon is trained in the operative treatment of those same conditions. However, approximately 90% of all sports injuries are non-surgical. A sports medicine physician is an expert in the bio mechanics of the body and has specialized training in both the treatment and prevention of injury. I can help patients determine whether their condition requires surgery or can be managed by other types of treatment.

No, sports medicine physicians are experts in treating both acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries. Whether you are injured participating in sports or not, I can help diagnose the problem and get you feeling better.

A primary care sports medicine physician has advanced training in the science of sports medicine. The training is extensive and includes 4 years of medical school, 3 to 4 years of residency, and 1 to 2 years of fellowship training. They are required to pass a certification exam in sports medicine in order to receive a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine (CAQSM) with recertification every 10 years. This certification helps the public distinguish a certified sports medicine physician from other physicians treating injuries without this specialized training.

Yes, I see patients at the Center for Sports Medicine in Walnut Creek, which has 10 physical therapists on staff. I work directly with them to guide your recovery.

Simply call us at (925) 934-3536 during working hours or you can use this website to book an appointment online. You do not need a referral by your primary doctor to be seen.