What Three Questions Should You Ask Your Massage Therapist For Your Child Athlete?


Athletes put a lot of pressure on themselves to succeed. This is true for all athletes, but it’s especially true for high school athletes who are constantly in the spotlight and face enormous amounts of pressure from their coaches, teammates, and parents. All this stress can lead to injuries which might be compounded by an athlete getting treatment from just anyone who offers a massage or other type of service. So before you book your next appointment with that new therapist down the street, make sure they have experience treating athletes! Here are three questions you should ask:


1) Will Sports Massage help my injury?

Yes, sports massage can help with your injury. Sports massage reduces recovery time by shortening the time it takes for injuries to heal and makes them feel better overall. It also helps reduce swelling and edema associated with soft tissue injuries which means that after surgery you will form strong pliable scar tissue rather than random stiff scars so that range of motion is maintained.

Massage therapy reduces the risk of re-injuring previously injured tissue, as well as preventing lingering pain that can reduce the range of motion and make it difficult to continue with one’s daily activities.


2) Will one session of Sports Massage fix my problems?

At times, yes. Sports massage can help with short-term relief if you have problems such as tight, painful neck and shoulders. However, it will not permanently fix the problem. Similar to athletic training which takes consistent effort for massive improvements; sports massages also take a while before showing results but your shoulder pain should be relieved after one-hour session.

A series of sports massage sessions are generally recommended to reduce the risk of re-injury and promote faster recovery. What’s more, consistent massages can help athletes improve their performance by increasing their range of motion and flexibility while reducing muscle tension or spasms that might result in injuries during activity. This is especially true for professional athletes who train several times a day.


3) Is Sports Massage Painful?

Sports massage is often thought to be painful, but massage therapists use a scale system to work within your individual capacity for pressure. Sometimes individuals develop knots or trigger points that require stronger bodywork and may cause discomfort, which the therapist will communicate with you about pain levels so as not to overwhelm anyone during a session.”

Sports massage uses a lot more pressure than other types of massage in order to release tightness etc. Communication between client and masseuse allows them both to decide what level would be best.


Here’s additional questions:


  • When shouldn’t I get a Sports Massage?

Massage should be avoided during the first 72 hours of an injury or inflammation. The acute phase is characterized by swelling and pain, which can worsen if further agitated through massage. After this period has passed when there is a reduction in both symptoms, sports massages are highly recommended to help promote muscle strength and recovery from training sessions. There are other many contraindications for getting a massage. A partial list is a fever, vascular conditions, severe heart disease/high blood pressure, contagious skin conditions (like eczema), inflammation and abrasions on the body that may cause pain or discomfort during treatment; cuts or hematomas in areas of concern like surgery sites; cancerous tumors causing localized swelling around them – it’s your responsibility to alert the massage therapist if you have any medical condition before we begin work so as not to make things worse! Some common injuries also include diabetes with vascular dysfunction which can lead people into shock after an injury occurs. Also, keep in mind that fractures need time to heal and acute injuries should be given ample opportunity too without placing additional stress from exercise-related stress.


Questions to ask the Massage Therapist about Children:

1) How much experience do they have working with children?

2) What techniques do they use to treat kids?

3) What certifications and licenses do they hold?

Be responsible when informing your massage therapist regarding your child’s condition.



Are You a High School Athlete Experiencing Pain But Don’t Know Where to Turn for Help?


Beyond Ergonomics gives athletes and desk professionals answers to their pain problems. Body imbalances, repetitive use, and lack of movement are the cause of many injuries and pain. Beyond Ergonomics helps you discover your imbalances and create change. MedicinEvolution’s purpose is to reduce pain and other symptoms that you haven’t had luck with. MedicinEvolution Bodywork Beyond Massage is the solution for many problems plaguing your body.  Make your appointment today!


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