Iron horse regional trail access  

1410 Creekside Dr, Walnut Creek, CA 94596


The Iron Horse Trail is open to hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians. Hiking along this trail offers a reprieve from the noise of urban areas and highways. Hikers can enjoy the shade offered by the oak trees lining the route in some parts or view wildflowers in bloom in others.

Hikers can also see cattle grazing on hillsides near the track. This level of serenity must be enjoyed while taking precautions against rattlesnakes which may be sunning themselves alongside the trail during warmer months and coyotes that may approach dogs and humans when they feel threatened or become hungry during colder months.



Hikers should use caution when venturing beyond daylight hours as nighttime brings an increased risk of encountering wildlife and getting lost. Hikers who are unfamiliar with the trail may want to go in groups for greater safety. Hikers should also be aware that poison oak, stinging nettles, ticks, and spiders abound along the trail’s length during warm weather months.

Hacking these pests off clothing or skin can lead to irritation or infection if hikers do not take proper precautions to cleanse away any residual sap. Hikers should wear long pants, closed-toe shoes with socks, and a long-sleeved shirt when venturing near the Iron Horse Trail.

Hikers should keep their items stored securely so as not to tempt thieves who prowl through this area at night looking for easy targets. Bicyclists may notice you before they see you and give a warning ring of their bell. Hikers should yield to these cyclists and be aware that their speed may make it difficult for them to stop quickly if they need to do so.



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Hikers should step off the path and wait until bicyclists pass by before continuing on. They are advised to wear bright clothing when hiking after dark so other trail users have an increased chance of spotting them in time to avoid an accident or injury.

Hikers who are at least partially sighted may still wish to hike with a partner or group, but other hikers frequently carry powerful flashlights which can help identify potential hazards, including wildlife, which might otherwise go unseen.

Hiking with a dog is not advised due to the likelihood that your pet will encounter wildlife and the increased chance that you will fall if the dog pulls on the leash to pursue a squirrel or other small mammal. Hikers who have dogs of their own should always carry a leash so they can control their pets when encountering urban wildlife at close quarters.

Hikers should be aware that poison oak grows in some parts of the Iron Horse Trail during warm weather months and it branches out along many miles of its length. Stinging nettles also grow on some parts of the trail during warm weather months

Hikers are advised to be aware of approaching weather conditions which might force them to find shelter quickly where they can rest and perhaps survive for an extended period until rescuers find them.



Walnut Creek, California is home to a variety of hiking areas and trails that are excellent for all skills and levels.  Here’s a short list of our favorites:

  • Acalanes Ridge
  • Diablo Foothills Regional Park
  • Shell Ridge Open Space
  • Franco Ranch Loop Trail
  • Fossil Hill Trail
  • Iron horse regional trail access
  • Castle Rock Trail Entrance
  • Rockspring Place trail entrance – Shell Ridge
  • Howe Homestead Park

All of these wonderful hiking areas are located just a short distance from our location at 1777 Botelho Drive, Suite 110 in Walnut Creek! Stop by for a visit anytime!




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